Apple bans app that brings iMessage to Android

Apple bans app that brings iMessage to Android

Technology giant Apple, iMessage bringing its service to Android Beeper Mini He made an official statement about banning the application.

The newest application that integrates the iMessage infrastructure into the Android world was released last week. Beeper Mini had happened. Beeper Mini without needing to sign in with Apple ID or running iMessage on a server An app that brings iMessage to Android And According to those who tried it, it really worked. After the seven-day trial period of the application, there is a monthly usage fee of $2. was located, The official statement about Beeper Mini was as follows: “Beeper Mini is a full-featured chat app designed for chatting with your iPhone-using friends. When your iPhone friends send you a message, the message bubble appears blue. Beeper Mini protects your chats with end-to-end encryption. No Apple ID required.” Apple did not like this practice at all and the company still It blocked the Beeper Mini, although it is not known exactly how.


On this subject, one of the names behind Beeper said, “All data points to Apple blocking Beeper Mini’s reverse-engineered infrastructure.” he said, He stated that the solution was on the way. However, this solution seems to never come because Apple officially announced the ban And He stated that they are determined to keep the doors of the service closed.. The official statement on this subject is as follows: happened:

“At Apple, we enhance our products and services with industry-leading privacy and security technologies designed to give users complete control over their data and keep personal information safe. In this context We have taken steps to protect our users by blocking techniques that use fraudulent credentials to access iMessage. These techniques pose significant threats to user security and privacy, including the risks of exposing key metadata and enabling spam messages and phishing attacks. We will continue to make updates to this issue in the future to protect our users..”


For those who don’t know iMessage is among the most important elements of the Apple ecosystem. This messaging infrastructure works through the built-in messaging application, and people are classified with different colors according to the devices they use. The color of a message bubble you receive blue from iPhone, green It comes from an Android phone (only SMS, not data). internet giant Google He has been very critical of exactly this for a long time.

The company believes that this situation is especially important among young people. “Pressure to buy iPhone” created and often He claims it has led to the exclusion of Android users. It is reported that this situation, which is especially seen in group chats, has reached the point of despising a person who has a green balloon in his name, that is, an Android user, and it is requested that this be changed specifically for iMessage.

Stating that Apple should not benefit from the bullying that occurs here, GoogleHe also wanted Apple to stop seeing Android users as “second-class citizens”, but Apple did not listen to this. Last month, under the influence of all the pressure, especially the European Union, Apple took a step back and Announced that they will officially adopt the RCS standard in 2024.
