Apple also warned after WhatsApp and Signal for the UK step

UK-based issue of concern WhatsApp And Signal the tech giant apple also warned.

Head of WhatsApp for those who missed it Will Cathcart last month, if the UK-based commissioning is targeted Online Safety Law weakens the end-to-end encryption they use on their applications, by saying that they can leave the country completely it made a lot of noise. Government WhatsApp with UK Online Safety Act, “end-to-end encryption” which is not possible to implement without removing the infrastructure can enforce content moderation policies. If WhatsApp refuses to do so, it could face fines of up to 4 percent of its parent company Meta’s annual turnover. End-to-end encryption communication, as its name suggests, encrypts it from start to finish. the highest communication security is achieved. The firm rightly does not want to cancel it because everyone is constantly asking for higher security. Meanwhile “UK Online Security Act” it doesn’t just bother WhatsApp. Meredith Whittaker, head of encrypted messaging app Signal, said in a statement that the bill He said that if their messages reach the scanning level, they will stop their services in the country. Including Apple, which attaches great importance to privacy. it happened. With the statement made by the company, the law, which came to the table based in the UK, is for end-to-end encryption. He said he posed a serious threat.


A recent open letter on this subject, which you can read in full below was published: “When we share what we’re working on here, it’s often about new features or products we’re developing. Today we are writing about a troubling development in the UK that everyone should know about. The UK government is currently considering new legislation that could force tech companies to crack end-to-end encryption on private messaging services. This law could give an unelected official the power to undermine the privacy of billions of people around the world. We believe that no company, government or person should have the power to read your personal messages, and we will continue to advocate for encryption technology. We are proud to stand with other tech companies in opposing the problematic parts of this law that will undermine the safety of people in the UK and around the world.

To anyone who cares about safety and privacy on the Internet. As end-to-end encrypted communications services, we urge the UK Government to address the risks posed by the Online Security Bill to everyone’s privacy and security. The government says its intention is to protect end-to-end encryption and respect people’s right to privacy. It is not too late to align the Bill with this intent. Businesses, individuals and governments around the world face relentless threats from online fraud, fraud and data theft. Malicious actors and hostile states routinely challenge the security of our critical infrastructure. End-to-end encryption is one of the strongest possible defenses against these threats. The risk has never been higher as vital institutions have become more dependent on internet technologies to run their core operations than ever before.

In its current form, this Bill could break end-to-end encryption and undermine everyone’s ability to communicate securely, opening the door to routine, general and indiscriminate snooping of personal messages from friends, relatives, employees, managers, journalists, human rights activists and even politicians themselves. Providing no explicit protections for encryption, this Bill, if implemented as it is now in writing, could defeat the purpose of end-to-end encryption and compromise the privacy of all users, by giving OFCOM the power to require proactive scanning of private messages on end-to-end encrypted communications services. In short, this Bill poses an unprecedented threat to the privacy, safety and security of all UK citizens and those with whom they communicate around the world, while encouraging hostile governments to draft counterfeit laws.

While supporters say they appreciate the importance of encryption and privacy, they also argue that it’s possible to spy on anyone’s messages without undermining end-to-end encryption. But in reality this is not possible. We’re not the only ones worried about the UK’s Bill. The United Nations has warned that the UK Government’s efforts to impose backdoor requirements are “a paradigm shift that has caused serious problems with disastrous consequences”. Even the UK Government acknowledged the privacy risks posed by the text of the Bill, but said it was not their “intention” to interpret it as such.

Global providers of end-to-end encrypted products and services cannot undermine the security of their products and services at the request of certain governments. There is no such thing as a “British internet” or a UK-specific version of end-to-end encryption. The UK Government should urgently rethink this Bill; should encourage companies to offer more privacy and security to residents, not less. Our course is not to weaken encryption, undermine privacy, and expose people’s private communications to mass surveillance.”
