Appeals to homeowners: “Stop the stone marten”

Appeals to homeowners Stop the stone marten

On the European continent, the stone marten is notorious. The predator chews mercilessly on everything from cables to insulation in cars and houses.

After several finds in southern Sweden, the Swedish Hunters’ Association appeals to the public for help.

“If you want to help us in the work of removing the stone martens from the area Sölvesborg, Bromölla and eastern Kristianstad, feel free to go up to your attic and see if there are signs of stone martens there,” says PA Åhlén, project manager at the association, in a press release.

Signs of visits can include damaged house insulation and droppings. Stenmården differs from the Swedish forest marten by a white spot on the neck.

In Sweden, the first confirmed find of a stone marten was made in Bromölla 2018. It is believed to have arrived here in the form of a pregnant female who is suspected of having come stealing with a truck.

Recently, several finds of the invasive species have been made – so far, almost 30 stone martens have been killed in southern Sweden.
