appeals filed with the Constitutional Court

appeals filed with the Constitutional Court

Appeals have been lodged with the Constitutional Court against the results of the June 18 constitutional referendum. The ballot ended with a victory for the yes, 97% of the votes according to the official results, to the draft new Constitution wanted by the transitional authorities. The United Front against the Referendum brings together political and civil society movements that denounce massive fraud during the ballot. They had until Monday evening midnight to file appeals on behalf of political parties or citizen voters who are members of this Front. A little less than a dozen appeals have therefore been filed in this way.

Dramane Diarra is a magistrate, trade unionist, president of the citizens’ organization Alliance of Democratic Generations of Mali, and a member of the opposition platform Appel du 20 February. In coordination with other members of the United Front against the referendum, he filed his appeal with the Constitutional Court with six points of complaint.

On the electoral campaign, already: he accuses the partisans of the “yes” to have overflowed before and after the official dates, he deplores especially the illegal use of the means of the State, for example of the trucks of the army. In his legal action, he also denounces ballot box stuffing on polling day, particularly in the district of Bamako.

In the wake of election observers, he disputes that the ballot was held ” throughout the national territory “, as assured by the Independent Election Management Authority. ” The poll was not held in Kidalbut also in many municipalities, in many regions… There cannot be a referendum when the integrity of the national territory is undermined. »

The military voted on June 11, a week before the others. An early ballot which is also the subject of complaints filed by members of the United Front against the referendum, including the magistrate Dramane Diarra. “ The soldiers voted without an electoral list, and the electoral law makes no difference between soldiers and ordinary citizens. Everyone is registered either at the level of a municipality, or a consulate, or an embassy. This means that these soldiers were able to vote twice. »

The Constitutional Court must soon officially proclaim the results of the referendum announced by Aige. The opponents who have filed these appeals are asking him to cancel it, purely and simply.
