Appeals court freezes Trump’s criminal case in Georgia pending appeal | Foreign countries

Appeals court freezes Trumps criminal case in Georgia pending appeal

The decision will almost certainly mean that the trial will not have time to start before the presidential elections in November, in which Trump is seeking a new term.

The US appeals court in Georgia has suspended proceedings in the criminal case involving the country’s former president Donald Trump as well as several other people are accused of trying to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election.

The defendants have claimed that the case was handled by the district attorney Fan of Willis acted improperly, as he had had a romantic relationship with the special prosecutor he hired Nathan Waden with.

The judge in the case rejected the defense’s appeal in March. However, the defense still appealed against the judge’s decision, and the appeals court now said it will take up the case in early October.

At the same time, the Court of Appeal ordered that the proceedings of the criminal case be suspended for the duration of the appeal process. Wednesday’s decision will almost certainly mean that the trial of the criminal case will not have time to start before the presidential elections in November, in which Trump is seeking a new term.

In addition to Trump, almost 20 other people have been charged in Georgia, including Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. The accused have denied their guilt. However, not all defendants signed the complaint against the district attorney.

In the Georgia lawsuit, the prosecutor has as evidence, among other things, a recorded conversation in which Trump asks the Georgian election authority to “find” enough votes for Trump to win in the state of Georgia in connection with the 2020 election.

Source: AFP
