Paris and the municipalities of Hauts-de-Seine at the top of the ranking, the Vosges and Haute-Marne at the bottom. For the third consecutive year, the Ministry of Housing uploaded an interactive map updated at the end of each year since 2020, allowing professionals in the sector and tenants to have a standardized estimate of rents in each municipality in France.
The site allows you to enter the price per m2 including charges, throughout the territory, for houses and apartments in the private rental stock. “For the ministry in charge of the City and Housing, it makes it possible to evaluate the devices and to design tools better adapted to the realities of the territories”, argued the ministry in a press release.
The Ministry of Housing put online at the end of December 2022 an updated interactive map allowing to have an estimate of the rents in each of the municipalities, as here for the apartments.
© / Screenshot of the Ministry of Ecological Transition website
In France, the monthly rent is on average 8.20 euros per m2 for a house, against 9.38 euros for an apartment, according to estimates by the National Agency for Housing Information (ANIL) on the based on advertisements published on the leboncoin and SeLoger group platforms. The rents displayed on the map were raised during the third quarter of 2022.
The most expensive houses in the 16th arrondissement of Paris
The rent per m2 of a house reaches a maximum of 28.35 euros per month in the 16th arrondissement of Paris as well as in six municipalities in the Hauts-de-Seine department (92): Garches, Vaucresson, Marnes-la-Coquette , Ville-d’Avray, Neuilly-sur-Seine and Boulogne-Billancourt.
Forty-eight municipalities in the Vosges (88) and Haute-Marne (52) share the bottom of the ranking of houses with a price per m2 estimated at 5.18 euros. Several municipalities have low estimates, particularly in Allier, Cantal, Charente, Cher, Creuse, Haute-Loire, Mayenne, Nièvre and Vienne.
The cheapest apartments to rent in France are in Darney in the Vosges (5.75 euros per m2) and the most expensive in the 4th arrondissement of the capital (33.07 euros).
As specified The echoes, the interactive map project was launched in 2018 by the Ministry of Housing. At that time, rents in the big cities of the country were easily accessible, but this was not the case for rural territories. Eventually, prices could be refined by other indicators such as the size of a dwelling or the price of rent excluding charges.