AP: The United States blocks the entry of refugees, even if they already have permission to enter | News in brief

Originally, the refugees had until January 27, but the schedule has been tightened.

The new US administration will prevent refugees from entering the country, even if they have already been granted an entry permit. The matter appears from an email obtained by the news agency AP, which was sent by the agency managing the refugee administration.

With the decision, thousands of refugees are now stuck at airports around the world. This includes, for example, 1,600 Afghans who have worked with US soldiers and for whom Joe Biden the administration has already given permission to enter the United States.

Donald Trump’s the administration initially gave the refugees until January 27th to come to the United States, but according to AP, the schedule has been tightened so that it does not allow arrival, at least for the time being. Refugee flights have been cancelled.

Source: AP
