Anyone who sees this photo thinks it’s from a horror movie! However, it actually belongs to a creature that you will be very surprised by.

Anyone who sees this photo thinks its from a horror

Nature always manages to surprise us. So are the photos. As we mentioned before, there are those who, at first glance, mistake this photo for a shot from a blockbuster horror movie. But the image is quite real and actually belongs to an ant. We guess you will be very surprised when you learn this.


This photo was taken by Lithuanian photographer Dr. Taken by Eugenijus Kavaliauskas. Kavaliauskas photographed the ant under a microscope, magnifying it five times, resulting in this photo that shows its red eyes and shadowy face in extraordinary detail. The photograph in question was submitted to the Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition and was selected as one of 57 ‘Different Images’.

(Photo: Dr. Eugenijus Kavaliauskas)

“There is no horror in nature”

Speaking to Insider, Kavaliauskas explained how he caught the ant. Kavaliauskas said that he caught the ant in a forest near his home in Tauragė, Lithuania, and continued as follows:

“I’m always looking for details, shadows, and unseen corners. The main purpose of photography is to be an explorer. Although the ant looks pretty scary, there’s no horror in nature. When I first started microphotography, I thought all insects looked a bit monstrous. But now I’m used to it and there’s so much under our feet.” I was surprised that there were interesting, beautiful and unknown miracles.”


However, the winner of this year’s competition was not the Lithuanian photographer’s photo of the ant, but the embryonic hand of the Madagascar gecko, which Grigorii Timin photographed in an extraordinary manner.

first photo
(Photo: Grigorii Timin and Michel Milinkovitch)
