Anxiolytic: 10 pieces of information that are not necessarily reassuring about Stresam (but it is better to know if you take it)

Anxiolytic 10 pieces of information that are not necessarily reassuring

Stresam (etifoxine) is an anxiolytic that treats the manifestations of anxiety. Pay attention to how long it takes, its side effects… warns our pharmacist.

The medication Stresam® is prescribed to treat psychological and physical signs linked to anxiety. How is it different from benzodiazepines anxiolytics? What are the risks? Its side effects? When to consult? Here are the 10 things you absolutely need to know about this particular anxiolytic.

1. A maximum treatment duration of 12 weeks

At a anxious patientStresam® is generally prescribed for a duration of a few days to a few weeks. Beyond 12 weeks of treatment, the treated person is unnecessarily exposed to side effects of the drug since the therapeutic effect is only observed over short periods of time.

2. Stresam can make you sleep

When initiating treatment, a mild drowsiness can be observed. Vigilance is therefore required among people brought to drive a vehicle or use a machine. To note that the sedation wears off after a few days. To reduce this risk, it is advisable to respect the maximum dosage of 4 capsules per day divided into 2 to 3 takes. In addition, the combination with other sedative medications, available without a prescription, must be avoided (Fervex®, Toplexil®).

3. You should not drink alcohol when taking Stresam

The combination of Stresam® and alcoholic beverages is not recommended due to possible increased drowsiness which can be dangerous, particularly when driving a car.

4. Side effects are uncommon but serious

The side effects of Stresam® are much less frequent and fewer in number than those of anxiolytic benzodiazepines. No common adverse reactions have been recorded. However, very rare cases of allergic reactions, severe skin disorders and liver conditions were reported during the first month of treatment. Likewise, rare bleeding outside of periods have been observed in women taking the pill.

5. Skin rash, jaundice: consult urgently

Certain signs may raise suspicion of serious side effects (severe allergy, liver disease, significant skin reaction) and must lead to immediate interruption of Stresam® then to a medical consultation. These include vomiting, abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, fatigue, jaundice (or jaundice), hives, swelling of the throat. These manifestations can occur up to several weeks after starting treatment.

6. It is not recommended in cases of lactose intolerance

The medicine Stresam® contains etifoxine and lactose. Therefore, its use is not recommended in people with lactose intolerance at the risk of feeling digestive discomfort.

7. Stresam does not make you addicted

Unlike anxiolytic benzodiazepines, Stresam® does not induce dependence. However, discontinuation of treatment must be gradual to avoid the reappearance of signs related to anxiety.

8. Stresam is not refunded

Due to its effectiveness being deemed insufficient and the risk of serious adverse effects occurring, Stresam® is no longer reimbursed by Health Insurance. The cost of the medication therefore remains the responsibility of the patient. at a variable price depending on the pharmacy.

9. Avoid in pregnant women

In the absence of reliable scientific dataStresam® should not be administered during pregnancy as a precaution.

10. Prior medical consultation is necessary

Like everyone else anxiolytics marketed in France, Stresam® is only available upon presentation of a prescription. If you have capsules left from a previous treatment, no administration should be decided without first consulting a doctor.
