Antoni Gaudi, extravagance in majesty

Antoni Gaudi extravagance in majesty

Known worldwide for his unfinished work the famous Sagrada Familia, Auntoni Gaudi is in the spotlight until July 17 at the Musée d’Orsay through an exhibition that highlights many of the palaces and buildings he designed in Barcelona. .

“He’s a genius, or a madman!” exclaimed the director of the Barcelona School of Architecture about his student Antoni Gaudi. Nearly 150 years later, the Musée d’Orsay recounts the epic of this disconcerting and difficult to classify architect, whose freedom and originality marked the identity and aesthetics of Barcelona.

When one thinks of Antoni Gaudi, it is obviously the basilica of Barcelona – the very famous Sagrada Familia – his still unfinished great work that comes first to mind. But it is also a string of urban hotels, so many orders made for different families of the Catalan bourgeoisie, so many patrons, the most famous of which is undoubtedly Eusebi Guëll with whom Gaudi formed a couple united by faith and passion for Catalonia.

So let’s get inside the head of ” Gaudí » through its completed or aborted creations that the Musée d’Orsay invites us to discover through an exhibition visible until July 17th.

Our guests: Isabelle Morin-Loutrel and Elise Dubreuil curators of the exhibition Gaudí

Report : In Tunis, the medina is reborn after two years of pandemic. During Ramadan, the historic city is taken over by Tunisians in need of cultural outings. But it is also reinventing itself thanks to young initiatives around the rediscovery of architectural and culinary heritage. Lilia Blaise went there for VMDN.
