Anton came home to a garbage dump: “The whole apartment is destroyed”

When Anton Nilsson came home to his apartment after a year of studying abroad, he was met by a rubbish dump like no other, which The evening paper previously reported on.
In every nook and cranny there were cans, trash, pizza boxes and food scraps.
– You really have to think before you rent out your apartment, he says.

For a year, Anton Nilsson, 32, was studying abroad in Barcelona and Chile. In the meantime, he sublet his apartment. As the journey home approached, Anton contacted the tenant to coordinate the handover of keys, without success.

– When I was sitting at the airport and about to go home, I saw that he had deleted all his contact information on Messenger and Facebook, and his number could not be reached, says Anton.

– Even then I understood that something was weird, he continues.

Garbage tip for apartment

When he came home to the apartment in Helsingborg on Monday night, he was met by full-scale chaos.

– I was met by a dump like no other. The entire apartment was completely destroyed. Mountains of garbage that have been there – I don’t know how long.

A year’s consumption of tins, pizza boxes, tins and food scraps that have gone mouldy. Add to that that a vomit-like mass covered the disco, the toilet was covered with black mold and the sink was filled with green water.

– I’ve never seen anything like it and then you’ve still looked at videos online where you’ve entered houses that were messy. It’s really bad, says Anton.

Does not apply to home insurance

Anton has filed a report of vandalism with the police and received support from his landlord that the apartment should be cleaned. However, the insurance company has rejected the fact that the remediation goes to the home insurance.

Peter Stark is a lawyer at Konsumenternas försäkringsbyrå and a specialist in housing issues. He confirms that this situation cannot be covered by home insurance.

– That is the reason why you have invited a tenant who has permission to live in your home, and then the theft protection does not apply and no insurance for your belongings. Home insurance only applies if someone unauthorized breaks into the home. The same applies if you invite friends or a cleaning company that causes damage in the home, says Peter Stark.

“What a mess you can get into”

After Anton’s situation was discovered, he has received a lot of support from family and friends.

– The last 12 hours have been very overwhelming, I can’t find words to describe the gratitude and how nice people you have around you. I am moved every time I think about it. It’s nice and there have been a few tears of joy during the day, he says and continues:

– I think it’s important so people understand what kind of crap you can get into, and that you really think before you rent out your apartment and what the consequences might be.
