Antitussive, this essential oil is best for calming coughs

Antitussive this essential oil is best for calming coughs

Thanks to its expectorant effect, this essential oil with a minty odor thins secretions and quickly calms a persistent cough.

Every winter comes with its share of small viruses and seasonal illnesses. These germs are expelled respiratory tract through coughing. It is therefore an important protection mechanism. But sometimes, cough lasts… for weeks and it’s painful. In addition to antitussive or expectorant medications that the doctor or pharmacist may recommend, a cough that persists can be relieved with natural remedies that we have at home. As long as you don’t use them haphazardly.

“Your lungs are crying out for it!”

There is an essential oilantiviral, anti-infectious and capable of calming inflammation of the mucous membranes which can cause excessive secretions. It is therefore also expectorant and particularly effective against coughs, whether dry or oily“, tells us the naturopath Amélie Mounier. “Your lungs are demanding it: because it helps with coughing when we need it“, confirms Danièle Festy, doctor of pharmacy and author of the book “Essential oils, it works!” (Editions Leduc. S). You may already have it at home: it is ravintsara essential oil. Its smell is pleasant and reminiscent of eucalyptus.

► On the skin: dilute 3-4 drops of ravintsara EO in 1 teaspoon of neutral vegetable oil of your choice (sesame, sweet almond, etc.) and apply or massage along the spinethe thorax and the arches of the feet. Repeat 3 to 4 times a day until improvement.

► Orally: deposit 1 to 2 drops of ravintsara EO in 1 teaspoon of honey or on a neutral tablet orally, 3 times a day and no more than 5 days in a row. If, despite this, the cough persists, consult a doctor.

A formidable antiviral, this HE has “exceptional skin tolerance“, recalls the doctor of pharmacy. The risk of allergy is almost zero. It can be used in children from 6 years old and adults for the oral route. In children aged 3 months to 6 years, and for pregnant women over 3 months. Favor the skin route, on the back and on the soles of the feet, by diluting ravintsara essential oil to 10% in a vegetable oil (1 dose of essential oil for 9 doses of vegetable oil). Medical advice is essential for people asthmatics and the people epileptics due to the epileptogenic risk it presents at high doses.

Also useful in prevention

Ravintsara essential oil is also considered “like the immune system’s best friend. It is immunomodulating, that is to say it regulates the immune system and is hyper active against viruses such as bronchitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis or colds. With it, it’s simple, the disease does not have time to develop. She pulls the rug out from under him. So think about it to prevent the flu or a cold.“, concludes Danièle Festy.
