Antitrust opens investigation against Interflora for unfair practice on floral “gifts”

Antitrust opens investigation against Interflora for unfair practice on floral

(Telestock) – The Antitrust has started an investigation towards Interflora Italy, for alleged unfair commercial practices during the advertising and sale of floral tributesin violation of the provisions of the Consumer Code.

According to the AGCM, in particular, the company Interflora may not meet the “guaranteed” timeframes of delivery of the products sold, which in some cases would also be misshapenin terms of quality and of varietyfrom those chosen by consumers. Furthermore, it could do not represent in an appropriate manner i costs mandatory related to the floral tribute delivery service.

Today, officials of the Authority carried out an inspection of the company Interflora Italia with the assistance of the Special Antitrust Unit of the Guardia di Finanza.

(Photo: Anastasy Yarmolovich/123RF)
