Antitrust investigates TLC companies for post-withdrawal invoicing

Antitrust investigates TLC companies for post withdrawal invoicing

(Finance) – The Competition and Market Authority (AGCM) has opened four separate investigations on Vodafone Italia, Fastweb, Wind Tre e Telecom Italia for alleged business practices incorrect after a large number of requests for intervention received.

The companies would have put in place “an unfair commercial practice to the detriment of consumers and micro-enterprises, continuing to issue invoices for services of mobile and / or fixed telephony even after the regular communication, by consumers and micro-enterprises, of the request for termination of the relationship“.

In addition, the companies, according to the antitrust bulletin, would have continued to issue invoices “following themigration of the numbering occurred fixed and / or mobile telephony, thus giving rise to double billing to be paid by the user, who is required to pay the bills of the new and old operator, even hindering the termination of the contractual relationship “.
