Antitrust, in the weekly bulletin the provisions on companies that supply energy

Antitrust investigates TLC companies for post withdrawal invoicing

(Finance) – TheCompetition and Market Guarantor Authority has published in the usual bulletin weekly the resolutions on the basis of which on Friday it had announced the partial confirmation of the precautionary measures of the Antitrust against Enel, Eni, Edison, Acea and Engie for alleged unlawful unilateral changes of the economic conditions for the supply of electricity and natural gas, while it had revoked those with respect to Hera and A2A.

In reference to the latter, in fact, the Authority has not identified the extremes for the confirmation of the relative precautionary measures, given that, on the basis of the documents acquired, it appears that the changes communicated by the same concerned economic offers actually expiring.

The Antitrust on the basis of the principles expressed by State Council, instead partially confirmed the precautionary measures issued on 12 December last for the other 5 energy companies mentioned above, suspending only the unilateral changes to the economic conditions not expiring, in violation of the Consumer Code and in contrast with art. 3 of the Aid Decree bis.
