Antioxidant, this aromatic herb prevents aging from the inside (it is very easy to cultivate)

Antioxidant this aromatic herb prevents aging from the inside it

Rich in carnosic acid, it helps you stay young longer.

Like spices, aromatic herbs add flavor to dishes. But they are also great allies for health, inexpensive, low in calories and easily accessible. One of them – which we all have in our cupboards and which we particularly love in summer on grilled meats, fish or potatoes – is naturally rich in carnosic acid, a powerful antioxidant which delays oxidation of cells and which helps to stay young longer.

To reach this conclusion, French scientists from the Aix-Marseille Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnologies (BIAM of the CEA) studied how carnosic acid and its main derivative, carnosol, work on the body. , antioxidants which represent up to 10% of the dry weight of the leaves of this aromatic herb. These two molecules are specific polyphenols whose antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have essentially been identified by studies in vitro (in a test tube), but never in vivo (tested directly on the living human organism). Thus, in their studies in vitro And in vivothe researchers were able to show that these antioxidants were capable of resisting blocking the chain reactions of lipid peroxidation“, a consequence of oxidative stress responsible for cell aging, they explain in their synthesis.

So what is this famous anti-aging herb? This is rosemary, an essential part of French cuisine which is part of the “herbes de Provence” and whose needle-shaped leaves can be used both fresh and dehydrated (in a bottle) on meats, sauces and wine, grilled meats, stuffings, fish… Or even as a herbal tea against bloating, digestive disorders or liver problems (at a maximum of 2 to 4g per day, otherwise it can cause nausea). This plant grows wild in the Mediterranean scrublands, but is also suitable in pots on balconies and terraces in all regions of France (sheltered from the wind). It is also very easy to grow in the garden. You should know that other aromatic plants from the Lamiaceae family also contain these polyphenols, but in smaller quantities such as sage, thyme or basil. Exploiting this knowledge makes it possible to optimize the preparation of more effective rosemary extracts for health and cosmetic applications, the researchers conclude.
