Anti-white hair food: it’s proven, these basic foods protect your hair from aging

Anti white hair food its proven these basic foods protect your

Have you tested the most promising hair care products against white hair and nothing works? What if you looked at the side of your plate? 5 foods, consumed all year round, would help slow down their appearance.

How to get rid of white hair? If this natural phenomenon, often associated with age or sometimes with genetic and environmental factors, is difficult to combat, a few tips persist. Indeed, Diet plays a major role in the growth of white hair. This is why we have listed the 5 foods to favor to maintain uniform hair. Here they are.

What should you eat to delay gray hair?

Over time, the first white hairs appear. More or less visible depending on the natural coloring of your hair, this discoloration is also called canities. It is a natural phenomenon that generally appears around the age of 35 years. The organism matures and generates progressive decline in the number of melanocytes and their activity. Since melanocytes are responsible for hair pigmentation, when they disappear, the hair turns white. If there is no treatment for age-related graying hair, stock up on B vitamins, fatty acids, zinc and copper would help slow down hair aging. Where to find these trace elements? 5 foods are particularly rich in it: egg yolk thanks to its vitamin B5 content (which is also found in milk and chicken), whole grains (whole wheat, whole rice or even quinoa) , rich in vitamin B1, offal, sources of vitamin B12, white and green beans, high in silicon and avocado, known for its fatty acids and the copper it contains. Consumed regularly, these foods contribute to stock up on trace elements promoting the maintenance of melanocytes. Graying hair appears later.

Conversely, what should we avoid consuming?

Some bad eating habits can also accelerate the hair aging process. It is particularly recommended to limit the consumption of refined sugars, white flours and ultra-processed foods. These boost oxidative stress, accelerating graying. Foods rich in phytates should also be restricted. These include certain legumes that can reduce the absorption of essential minerals like zinc, which plays a role in hair pigmentation. The same goes for alcohol and caffeine which alter the health of your hair fiber.
