Anti-Migraine Tip: Doctor Reveals Simple Technique Using Two Objects From Your Bathroom

Anti Migraine Tip Doctor Reveals Simple Technique Using Two Objects From

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    Migraine sufferers know how painful and difficult attacks can be. To get relief fast, a doctor is sharing a simple hack on TikTok based on two items you probably have in your bathroom.

    Migraine affects about 15% of the adult population in France. It is characterized by violent headaches, generally affecting half of the skull. To get relief, migraine sufferers have their habits: lying down in the dark, taking medication or simply waiting for the attack to pass.

    Doctor Shares Tip on TikTok

    THE Dr. Jason Singhwho shares his knowledge on TikTok and has over 96,000 followers, recently shared a video for migraine sufferers. It’s a simple trick to try to relieve a painful attack. He calls it “the two-towel method.”

    What is the “two towel method”?

    The doctor describes his technique precisely. He recommends taking two fairly short towels and wetting them before wringing them out.One should be wet with cold water and the other with hot water” specifies the expert. Then, after having wrung them out, the towels must be placed in the following way:

    • The cold towel on the forehead;
    • The hot towel on the back of the neck.

    A trick that affects blood circulation

    By doing this, the cold towel will cause vasoconstriction of the blood vessels of the forehead and reduce inflammation, also alleviating the sensation of pain. As for the hot towel, it will improve blood circulation and relax the muscles.

    It offers a calming side that promotes relaxation and reduces stress.Keep them for about five to seven minutes at a time and then observe how your migraine resolves naturally.” adds the doctor.

    A technique that may work for some people but not for others. There is nothing stopping you from trying it, as it is simple and risk-free.
