Anti-Covid-19 vaccine: the government concerned about the low number of fourth doses

Anti Covid 19 vaccine the government concerned about the low number of

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    Tuesday, June 21, the government called on the oldest to receive, “as soon as possible”, a second booster vaccine against Covid-19. An announcement that comes in a context of epidemic recovery.

    While new variants of the Omicron family are progressing on the territory, less than 2.2 million second boosters have been injected, out of more than 8.7 million eligible people.

    Vaccination: a “clearly insufficient” rate

    It’s not going fast enough, there aren’t enough people coming to get vaccinated.”worried the Ministry of Health during a press briefing.

    And for good reason: in France, barely 25% of people eligible for vaccination (mainly those over 60 and the most fragile) have received their second reminder against Covid, a “clearly insufficient” rate according to the government.

    Residents of nursing homes (48% of eligible vaccinated) and people over 80 (31%) are particularly targeted.

    They must “get vaccinated as soon as possible to spend the summer and fall serenely”underlined the ministry.

    An observation shared by Dr. Kierzek:

    “This new dose is justified in the most fragile and the oldest, because they are more likely to develop serious forms. It is the same thing for the flu. This fall, we will therefore have to think co-vaccination, flu and coronavirus”.

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    The number of cases has more than doubled in three weeks

    Will the Covid-19 epidemic start to rise again? Yes, according to health experts. The bar of 95,000 cases per day has been exceeded – a rise of 46% compared to last Tuesday.

    The threshold of 100,000 daily cases could even be crossed in early July, if the curve continues to progress. By way of comparison, last year, there were fewer than 5,000 daily cases during the same period.

    An epidemic recovery that “is accompanied by a small recovery in hospitalizations“(+14% in the last two weeks) and which risks leading to “a delayed increase in time” of admissions to critical care and deaths, according to Professor Alain Fischer, president of the Council for the orientation of the vaccine strategy.

    This increase is unsurprisingly linked to the arrival of new variants of the Omicron family – BA.4, BA.5 and BA2.12.1 – which are much more contaminating. The government nevertheless wants to be reassuring and “don’t talk about waves” for the moment.
