Anthony Kavanagh, a thousand reasons to be happy

Anthony Kavanagh a thousand reasons to be happy

After 5 years of absence, Quebec comedian and singer Anthony Kavanagh returns to France with a new show. A concentrate of good humor that comes back to everything that makes him happy.

Anthony Kavanagh was not so long ago the youngest talk-show host in Quebec, before crossing the Atlantic and exploding on radio, TV and on the French stages. A multi-talented showman, animator, actor in the theater and on the screens, specialist in the dubbing of animated films and even a singer.

Her smiling face lights up the poster for her new show which, as its name suggests, makes you happy. “Happy” is on the bill of a room with the predestined name: “le Théâtre de la Gaîté” in the Montparnasse district in Paris.

Anthony Kavanagh is the guest of VMDN.

On the menu of this Café Gourmand:

  • Fanny Bleichner met the Congolese composer and DJ Pierre Kwenders for his album ” José Louis & The Paradox of Love “.
  • Marjorie Bertin went to Lorient for the Eldorado Festival, a festival imagined by and for teenagers and held at the Théâtre de Lorient.
  • Muriel Maalouf takes us to the Palais de Tokyo for the exhibition “Réclamer la terre” to be visited until September 9th.
