Anthony Jeanjean qualified for the Paris Olympics

Anthony Jeanjean qualified for the Paris Olympics

Anthony Jeanjean from Montpellier, winner of the BMX Freestyle event of the Olympic Qualifier Series in Budapest this Saturday June 22, officially obtained his ticket for the Paris Olympic Games where he will be one of the big favorites. “ I felt really good about this competition. This bodes well for the Olympic Games. I’m very happy because it was a step to take, but the most important step is in a month “, declared Jeanjean after his victory. The 26-year-old rider, triple European champion (2019, 2021 and 2022), achieved the two best passages of the competition in the final, scored 93.30 and 94.40, in a very technical park, where he beat the American Marcus Christopher (2nd) and even the British world champion Kieran Reilly (3rd). In great form since the start of the season, Anthony Jeanjean is currently number one in the world rankings, has won two World Cups and the two stages of the Olympic Qualifier Series in Shanghai in mid-May and in Budapest. Seventh at the Tokyo Olympics, he will be one of the big favorites during the BMX Freestyle Park events in Paris which will take place on July 30 and 31 at the Place de la Concorde.
