Antares Vision, shareholders’ meeting approves the 2021 financial statements

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(Finance) – The assembly of the shareholders of Antares Visiona company listed on Euronext STAR Milan and active in the sector of quality control and product traceability, examined e approved the budget closed on 31 December 2021, together with the Management Report prepared by the board of directors. The shareholders resolved to allocate the result for the year (equal to a loss of 280,428 euros) entirely deducted from the extraordinary reserve. The consolidated financial statements of the company show a net profit of 12,347,260 euros, of which 12,395,990 euros pertaining to the group.

The assembly also renewed, after revocation of the authorization approved by the assembly of 24 March 2021, the authorization topurchase and disposal of own shares. The purchase can be made on one or more occasions, within 18 months from the date of the resolution, up to a maximum amount of treasury shares which, taking into account the shares held in the portfolio from time to time by the company and its subsidiaries, does not exceed the limit of 2% of the share capital overall. As of today, the company directly holds 33,916 treasury shares.

(Photo: © rawpixel)
