Legendary game Age of Empires series began to be used in scientific research. Australian scientists are testing the dominance of invasive flesh-eating ants over other ant species with a simulation they performed in the Age of Empires game. With Age of Empires, ant research hits the nail on the head; It seems that the simulation in the game takes place almost exactly on the field.
Ant Simulation with Age of Empires
Scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and the University of Western Australia began to simulate the struggle between ant species using computer games. The game used in the simulation in question is extremely familiar. Age of Empires gameis used to model the war between ant species.
Fight between flesh-eating ants and a species called “Argentine ants” Age of Empires Scientists simulated the armies created in the 1960s and adapted it to real life. Ant researchers; He examined the superiority of the smaller number of flesh-eating ants over the larger number of Argentine ants through game play.
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A Fewer Number of Strong Soldiers Defeats a Larger Number of Weak Soldiers!
Simulations showed that “elite” soldiers were superior to the larger number of average or unskilled soldiers, even when they were fewer in number. Simulation in the game When their data was applied in real life, scientists got the same result.
Scientists pitted 20 flesh-eating ants against 200 Argentine ants. The struggle resulted in the superiority of the flesh-eating ants. The numerical situation between the two parties, flesh eating ants when it is changed against you; Scientists observed that flesh-eating ants died faster and in greater numbers, but observed that in all cases, flesh-eating ants emerged victorious.
Game Simulations Can Be Used to Fight Invasive Species
His opinions were included in the said research published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Researcher Samuel Lymbery; He emphasized that the fighting style of ants is similar to that of humans. For this reason, Lymbery stated that the simulations provided almost identical results and underlined that the use of games will provide significant advantages in the fight against invasive species.

of human beings In World War I Stating that the combat theories used are very similar in ants, the researchers pointed out that the simulations made in the games give realistic results.