Ansaldo Energia, new financing of 100 million euros to support the Industrial Plan

Ansaldo Energia new financing of 100 million euros to support

(Finance) – The finalization of a new financing is expected in the next few days 100 million euros in support of the growth plan of Ansaldo Energy. I new funds will be used in particular to finance the activities` of the group’s Research and Development with a view to improving the product portfolio, supporting the investments aimed at increasing the production capacity of turbine blades, with a positive impact especially for Service activities, as well as extending the supply chain and to cover the company’s working capital needs.

In detail, thefinancing operation provides for the granting of a subordinated loan from 50 million euros by the majority shareholder CDP Equityapproved by the same on today’s date, and the opening of a line of credit of the same amount by four primary banks of the company’s relationship with a guarantee Archimedes by SACE.

The initiative is part of the enhancement process of the company, which in recent months has achieved positive results in terms of new orders and achieved financial performances in line with budget objectives in the June half-yearly report and which confirm the validity of the new Floor industrial.
