Another “competition” statement for the domestic car from the CEO of Togg

Another competition statement for the domestic car from the CEO

domestic car behind the project Togg CEO of the company Gurcan Karakas, made another statement about the vehicle today.

Togg first signed domestic car model SUV will be in the form and if there is no mishap, the installation will continue. Gebze based in factory 2022 will eventually be put into production. Speaking about the vehicle, which is expected to hit the roads in the first quarter of 2023, TOGG CEO Karakaş said, “No professional company can, will not, and should not give a price for a vehicle that will be put on the road in April, March or February.” he said and added: “Looking at the feedback so far interest is high. when we get to that point how many of these turn into salesWe’ll see when the time comes. No professional company traffic in april, march or in February price already for a vehicle to be released can’t give, won’t give, shouldn’t give. The market determines the price. Therefore, when the time comes, we will position ourselves in that market. Our rhetoric and claim is that we know from whom we will get market share. We know in which segment our vehicle will be positioned in the market and We say that we will be competitive among them.

A little further explanation on this Gurcan Karakas, Togg-focused sharing of the Turkish Republic’s Paris Ambassador Ali Onaner on the French newspaper “We are preparing for global competition.” Wrote. Togg’s first vehicle and potential future models not only designed for the Turkish market. Karakaş’s statement directly points to this. The company also wants to market and sell the vehicle in some markets abroad. A company that will not have an easy job in convincing consumers abroad to buyhas been taking steps to create a global brand from the very beginning.


Toggnext to the SUV 2024 As of 2018, it will be completely electric again. sedan He also wants to put the car model on the road.
