Another climate protest in the city center of Utrecht: ‘As long as people don’t listen, we will keep coming back’

Another climate protest in the city center of Utrecht As

What does this action entail?

Climate activists protest again on Saturday afternoon at the office of Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN), which is involved in gas drilling on land and in the sea on behalf of the Dutch government.

The demonstration is organized by Extinction Rebellion (XR) and Scientist Rebellion (SR). According to them, EBN contributes to the climate crisis with its gas drilling. They therefore demand three things from the Dutch government: it must tell the truth about the climate and ecological crisis, stop gas drilling and Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to draw.

EBN tells RTV Utrecht that it understands why Extinction Rebellion is protesting at their office. “Just like Extinction Rebellion, we support a sustainable energy system. They ask us to stop new fossil drilling. But in the context of security of supply, we think that we cannot do without natural gas at the moment.”
