The 183rd annual Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show kicked off Tuesday morning with the traditional Young Canada Day competitions.
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Students from high schools in Norfolk County decorated a section of the grandstand and adorned themselves in western wear, bling, and face paint to cheer on their school mates in cheerleading, tug-o’war and road race competitions.
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“I’m a Raider through and through,” said Haldimand-Norfolk independent MPP Bobbi Ann Brady as she cheered for the Delhi District Secondary School Raiders in the tug-o’war event.
“But I’m torn because my niece is on the Simcoe Composite School cheer team.”
The member of the legislature said she was a Raiders cheerleader, sat on the student’s council, and was a member of the school’s blue and gold society.
“I come back, and I cheer on my school. I like to see them all having so much fun, and just to compete… I give them all credit,” said Brady. “It’s an amazing display of school spirit and local pride.”
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After the Young Canada Day competitions wrapped up – with Simcoe Composite School declared the overall winner based on total points and enthusiasm from students in the grandstands – Elise Duyvestijn and Tori Hill of Delhi brought their elementary school-aged children to the food truck area for a bite to eat.
“It’s an annual tradition, since we were young. We went to (Delhi District Secondary School),” Hill explained. “It’s very nostalgic to come back today and get a chance to watch and cheer again.”
She said she hopes her children will take part in the Young Canada Day events when they reach high school.
“It’s so fun to see all the teams cheer for each other. I feel that really shows the spirit of the young generations and how everyone in our community comes together.”
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An official opening ceremony took place early Tuesday afternoon in a lounge set up in Building 5 at the fairgrounds..
“Today another chapter begins for Ontario’s third largest and Canada’s greatest county fair, the Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show,” said Merv Dunlop, who hosted the opening ceremonies. “Bringing agriculture and our local culture to the forefront is what the Norfolk County Agricultural Society board of directors have worked diligently towards.
“It is their hope that the Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show provides a stage for all that our community has to offer ad present this to over 100,000 visitors from far and wide for the 183rd time.”
A local farming family was chosen to cut a ribbon to officially open the fair.
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The Judd family — Fred and his wife Sharon, son Thomas and his wife Sarah along with their children Elizabeth and Allan — represent five generations operating Meadow Lynn Farms on Decou Road, just outside of Simcoe. The farm was recognized with the 2023 National Breeder Award for Jersey cattle in Canada. Thomas and Sarah were also presented with one of three Jersey Canada Young Achiever Awards.
“Many of my early memories are tied to cattle and the fair,” said Fred Judd. “The Norfolk Dairy Calf Club showed on Young Canada Day just ahead of the Holstein show. And even though I was just in Grade 8, I desperately wanted to be part of the energy and excitement of the tug-o’war on the track. However, I was committed to 4H and had to concentrate on the work involved in showing that day.
“The genius of including schools in the opening day celebrations and the various competitions has been a large part of the continued success of the Norfolk County Fair.”

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