Annoying explanation: Even your grandchildren’s grandchildren…

Annoying explanation Even your grandchildrens grandchildren

Studies so far of Omicron have shown that this variant causes less severe disease. This has given many experts hope that the end of the pandemic is in sight. However, new research, one after another, suggests that the situation is not so promising.

Working as an epidemiologist at Mayo Clinic in the USA and editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Vaccine”, Dr. Gregory Poland suggested that the coronavirus pandemic will affect people by the end of this century.

Because the Omicron variant of Covid-19 causes less serious illness, scientists think it could make the Covid-19 pandemic endemic. However, Poland does not share the same optimistic view.


According to the news of NTV; Poland said, “’We are not yet at any stage where we can make an endemic estimation. We will not be able to eradicate the Corona virus. Corona virus continues to infect animals. In other words, it mutates by wandering between species. Therefore, it has the ability to roam indefinitely.”


Poland also said that because the virus has been circulating for a very long time, people will continue to get corona virus vaccines for generations.

“Grandchildren of your grandchildren will continue to get the COVID-19 vaccine”

Poland continued: “Then let me make a guess. By then we will all be dead, but your grandchildren, even your great-grandchildren, will still be vaccinated against the coronavirus. How do I know this? If you’ve had the flu shot this fall, it’s from the 1918 Spanish flu that started the pandemic.”


On the other hand, this Dr. It’s not the first pessimistic forecast Poland has made. Poland announced that from the beginning of last December to the end of 2021, 32 thousand Americans will die from Covid-19.

According to Our World in Data, about 31 thousand Covid-19 deaths were recorded in the USA during this period, and Poland was right.


Besides, Poland is not the only expert to be cautious in forecasting the future of the pandemic.


Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned last week that a new variant of Covid-19 could emerge, following the Omicron variant, that will dramatically change the situation of the pandemic.

Speaking at the virtual event Davos Agenda, Dr. “I hope Covid-19 becomes endemic,” Fauci said. However, that will be the case if we do not find another variant that evades the immune response of the previous variant,’ he said.


Fauci also made statements about the future of the pandemic that have proven correct in the past, and predicted in August that a vaccine-resistant variant of Covid-19 was on the horizon as the coronavirus spread rapidly among the unvaccinated. A few months later, South African authorities discovered the Omicron variant.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), also said this week that it would be dangerous to assume that Omicron is the latest Covid-19 variant.
