Announced, “Plans are available”! Stunning statement from the USA! “If Zelensky is killed…”

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There are striking statements from the USA regarding Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine. The possibility of the murder of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is also on the agenda of the world. While discussing the possible consequences of this situation, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking to the American CBS channel, evaluated Zelenskiy’s future and the Russia-Ukraine war.


Reminding that Zelenskiy told the leaders he met several times, “This may be our last meeting,” Blinken said, “What will happen if Russia kills Zelenskiy? Do you have a contingency plan to support an administration in Ukraine that he is not at?” To his question, “The Ukrainians have plans for this, which I will not go into at the moment, but I can say that we want the administration to continue in one way or another.” he replied.


On the other hand, while answering the question about the cooperation between the USA and Poland in the supply of fighter jets to the Ukrainian army, Blinken said that there is a very close conversation between Washington and Warsaw on this issue.

“We are currently talking with our Polish friends about how we can replenish their inventory if they supply the Ukrainians with these warplanes. We are in an active negotiation traffic on this issue,” Blinken said. He pointed out that the process is progressing quickly.

Reminding that a plan such as establishing a no-fly zone is not possible on the ground, Blinken stated that they will give all their support so that Ukraine can defend itself against Russia.

On the other hand, answering questions on the same issue on NBC channel, Blinken emphasized that Poland’s supply of Soviet-era warplanes such as Mig-22 and Su-25 to Ukraine would be Poland’s own decision and not a NATO decision.

The American Wall Street Journal (WSJ) newspaper, in its news yesterday, wrote that the US administration negotiated with Poland about the delivery of American F-16s to this country in exchange for “giving fighter jets to Ukraine”.


Expressing that they are nearing the end of nuclear talks with Iran, the US minister said that they are waiting for the completion of talks on some difficult issues.

Emphasizing that they have made remarkable progress in recent weeks, Blinken added that they are thinking about solving the problems in some of the articles that are still being studied. (AA)
