Annimari Korte says her season is over – according to her own words, she has not recovered from the coronavirus

Annimari Korte received information about her worrying effort a

The Finnish sailor talks about the end of his season in his Instagram post. According to his own words, Korte has not recovered from two illnesses caused by the coronavirus.

21:06•Updated 21:22

As a result, Kortte will miss out on her previously announced pursuit of a place at the European Athletics Championships in August.

According to the card, he has not recovered from the diseases caused by the coronavirus that he contracted at the beginning of May and at the end of June. He says that the nervous system has not been able to recover properly after the diseases he suffered from. Aituri says that his first race of the season was just a week and a half after he got sick.

– Just when at the end of June it finally started to feel like I was starting to recover from the first Corona, the second Corona came and the heart rate variability collapsed even more and the heart rates went completely crazy. Even a small jog or walking up the stairs makes the heart rate just as high as if you had normally run acid races, Korte writes.

Kortte, who has been one of Finland’s top women in the 100-meter hurdles in recent years, has had a challenging season. Korte, who holds the Finnish record (12.72) in his competitive form, has also suffered from swelling of the ischial bone during the season. This bothered him, for example, in the speed hurdle races of the Espoo GP and the Paavo Nurme Games, in the first of which his leg gave out and he stopped the race.

You can see the suspension of the card in Espoo below.

Both of Kortte’s hind thighs were operated on last August. He also says that the recovery from the surgeries has had an effect on the matter, because according to him, the two-month preparatory training period has also affected his performances. However, he mentions that his hamstrings are working well.

– When the preparation for this season was really short after the surgeries, it is better to have a longer than normal preparation in peace for the next season, he says in his text.

The 34-year-old Korte also says in his publication that he plans to continue his career until the end of 2024. He states in his publication that he has now recovered from his short season and will start preparing for next season when his heart rate variability returns to normal.
