A bit like her heroine, Annie Lulu has the smile of the Black Sea and the irony of the Great Lakes, but that’s it. It too is the result of a palaver between a glass of vodka and a bowl of kinkéliba, but that’s where it ends.Rebroadcast 03/04/2021
Born to a Romanian mother and a Congolese father, Annie Lulu first ventured into philosophical lands before immersing herself in an ocean of languages and imaginations sometimes ending up in a country called: Literature. Taken lovingly in a weave made of multiple mouths that speak French, Romanian, Lingala or Swahili, she publishes c/o Julliard The Black Sea in the Great Lakes. A remarkable first novel where the monologue meets the collective and where political consciousness supplants self-hatred. Weaving and miscegenation with sentences that tell the world, like page 85 where it is written “we would have to tell, so that one day people would know what it is to be the rare child of a black man in a province of the world where the moon is still full of pogroms.
Annie Lulu’s musical choices
Dimba Diangola Smoked
Monika Lakatos romanimo
Gregory Porter Liquid Spirit