Annie Lööf was the target of the Almedal murder: “Shaking”

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During Thursday was awarded Annie Lööf (C) a plaintiff’s counsel by the Gotland district court after the murder in Almedalen earlier this summer. A while later, Ekot reported that the prosecutor told the radio that the suspected crime was directed at center leader Annie Lööf.

Chamber prosecutor Henrik Olin states that Lööf is seen as a crime victim in relation to the suspected crime. Ekot’s reporter asks if Annie Lööf was a target, and to that Olin answers the following:

– The criminal suspicion is formulated in such a way that it is aimed at her, says Olin the radio.

Annie Lööf was the intended target

It was on July 6, in the middle of the Almedal week in Visby, that Ing-Marie Wieselgren, 64 were murdered. Wieselgren participated in the Almedal Week in his role as psychiatry coordinator at Sweden’s Municipalities and Regions, SKR.

Annie Lööf was to hold a press conference near the place where the crime in Almedalen occurred.

33-year-olds Theodor Engstrom has confessed to the crime and is in custody. He was initially detained for murder, which was reclassified as a suspected terrorist offense by preparation for murder.

He was also suspected of preparation for a terrorist crime by preparation for murder – a criminal suspicion in which Center leader Annie Lööf was the intended target.
