Twitch streamer AnniTheDuck is under fire over allegations of mistreating her cats. Her former best friend Mowky and Reved accuse Anni of treating her animals badly.
What is AnniTheDuck accused of? The first person to accuse the streamer of mistreating her cats is her former best friend Mowky in her statement on X.
AnniTheDuck’s ex-girlfriend, Reved, also talks about her experiences with Anni in her Twitch stream and also accuses her of mistreating her cats. Reved emphasizes that it wasn’t about the animals being beaten – according to her, that wasn’t the case. Rather, she was bothered by the general treatment of the animals.
You can see again how much Reved suffered from his relationship with AnniTheDuck here:
Reved explains on Twitch how much she suffered in her relationship with Anni The Duck
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The cats were used more as toys
This is what the handling should have looked like: In her statement on Twitch, Reved explains that Anni viewed her animals more as toys. As an example, she cites situations in which the cats didn’t want to cuddle and, according to Reved, were held until they gave in.
The streamer also mentions that deleted videos of her ex-girlfriend with the cats can be found on the Internet, which are supposed to confirm her statements.
Reved also reports that a partner of a former employee was said to have looked after the cats and was shocked by their condition. Accordingly, there was a lot of garbage, cardboard boxes and cat urine in the apartment.
Two of the cats hated each other deeply
Another problem raised by Reved is that two of the cats allegedly really hated each other. Tufts of fur from the animals are said to have been found there every day.
The problem was said to have been so bad that one of the cats was afraid to use the litter box. There is said to have been a risk of being attacked by one of the other cats. One of the cats is also said to have torn out its fur due to stress.
According to her own statement, Reved offered to take one of the cats after the separation, but according to her statement, this was rejected.
AnniTheDuck’s deleted videos go viral
What are the videos Reved mentioned about? There are tons of clips spreading on social media platforms showing the deleted videos of AnniTheDuck and her cats.
In these you can hear the streamer calling her animals dirty pieces of shit. She can also be seen pulling her cats towards her and holding their paws to get them to interact with the toys, as the animals seem to have little interest.
Not only AnniTheDuck’s ex-partner spoke about her experiences with the streamer, but also her former best friend Mowky. You can read here why she broke her silence: In a documentary they were best friends – 3 months later Mowky says how terrible Anni The Duck really is