Anne Hidalgo: disaster result in the presidential election, even in Paris

Anne Hidalgo disaster result in the presidential election even in

HIDALGO. It was written or almost: Anne Hidalgo was only able to collect 1.7% of the votes in the 1st round of the 2022 presidential election. The candidate could be the last of the Socialist Party in a presidential election, knowing that a complete reconstruction was mentioned even before the start of the ballot…

This time, it’s for good: the Socialist Party falls below the 5% mark and will not even benefit from the reimbursement of its campaign expenses. Anne Hidalgo fell to 1.7% of the vote according to the final results of the first round of the presidential election on Sunday April 10 communicated by the Ministry of the Interior on Monday April 11. A result to be put into perspective with the score of Benoît Hamon 5 years ago, who obtained only 6.36% of the vote. Anne Hidalgo’s result marks a new stage in the decline of the Socialist Party, which has not recovered from the end of François Hollande’s presidency and the emergence of Emmanuel Macron. Even before the presidential election, discussions took place to try to rebuild the party. From the start of her speech when the results were announced, the mayor of Paris called for Emmanuel Macron to be voted for the second round of the presidential election.
