Anna Kinberg Batra’s residence gets tripled budget

The budget for the Governor Anna Kinberg Batra’s residence Tessinska palatset has been tripled for 2024.
At the same time, the county administrative board in Stockholm is introducing tough savings requirements. This upsets and is questioned by the union.
– We are doubtful whether it is the right priority to spend so much money on representation, says Susann Sass Jonsson, president of the trade union Saco-S at the authority.

In 2023, the budget for operations at the Governor Anna Kinberg Batra’s residence, Tessinska palatset, was SEK 300,000. During the year, approximately SEK 1.2 million was spent instead. According to the county board, this is explained by more representation assignments, the celebration of the king’s 50th anniversary and the change of governor.

But now it turns out that even this year’s budget for representation at the governor’s residence will be much larger than what was customary in previous years. After the large expenses in 2023, the county board has decided that the same amount of money may be spent this year. The grants for the year 2024 are tripled from SEK 300,000 to one million.

“The costs for representation have increased in 2023 compared to 2022. This is explained by more representation assignments but also by the celebration of HMK’s 50 years on the throne and the change of governor. In parts of 2022, the pandemic was still ongoing, which also affected spending. Budget 2024 is on a par with outcome 2023,” writes Jonas Johansson, head of communications at the Stockholm County Administrative Board in an email to TV4 Nyheterna.

Have received a savings claim

This year’s budget for the activities at Tessinska palatset upsets the union at the authority as the county administrative board has received a savings claim of almost four million kroner.

– We are doubtful whether spending so much money on representation is the right priority. We have many other important tasks at authorities that are regulated by law that we have to perform. At the same time, the savings have meant that we have vacant positions that have not been filled, says Susann Sass Jonsson, president of the trade union Saco-S at the authority.

“What kind of costs are the basis for this?”

– It is difficult to understand how to justify the same high budget as in 2023. After all, the king will not celebrate 50 years on the throne in 2024 either. What kind of costs are the basis for this, we wonder, says Susann Sass Jonsson.

Despite the fact that the budget for the Tessinska palatset has tripled, the county administrative board cannot afford to invite work guests to coffee, it has to be paid out of its own pocket.

– We have been told that we are not even allowed to buy buns and offer coffee when we have guests such as municipalities visiting. Then it feels strange when you simultaneously spend over a million on representation at the governor’s residence, says Susann Sass Jonsson.

The governor responds to the criticism

TV4 Nyheterna has sought Anna Kinberg Batra, who declines an interview but comments on the representation in a written statement.

“The representation in the Tessinska palatset follows the county board’s policy. It is more comprehensive today than under several of my predecessors. Representation in Tessinska is important for the county board’s promotional mission, which in turn provides opportunities for growth and contact with decision-makers in important matters concerning our county.”
