Anna Kinberg Batra gave a million dollar parachute to Åsa Ryding – criticized

Anna Kinberg Batra gave a million dollar parachute to Asa
Criticism of Anna Kinberg Batra: “Inappropriate and ill-conceived”



Anna Kinberg Batra fired county superintendent Åsa Ryding and gave her a parachute of 2.2 million kroner.

Internal documents show that the final sum was significantly higher – in the same document it is pointed out that the authority is now in a very strained financial situation.

– It was ill-considered to remove the county director. She had solid experience, competence and did a good job, says Susann Sass Jonsson at the trade union Saco.

Anna Kinberg Batra’s authority is in a strained financial situation. In an internal document that was presented to the management at the County Administrative Board in Stockholm and that Aftonbladet has seen, it appears that the savings requirements have had noticeable consequences. Vacant positions have not been filled and departments are raising the alarm that, due to a lack of resources, they have had to de-prioritize certain types of cases.

The forecast is that it will get worse.

“When the departments look ahead, they signal an increased workload, lowered levels of ambition and that there is a risk of extended processing times,” the document states.

Cost: 3.8 million

Finance manager Anna Hedner writes in the document that the situation is worrying and that the authority will enter 2025 without saved funds.

One cost is particularly highlighted in the document – ​​the buyout of county superintendent Åsa Ryding.


full screenÅsa Ryding. Photo: Sara Burman / Stockholm County Administrative Board / TT News Agency

Anna Kinberg Batra decided in March that Ryding would be fired and an agreement was signed between the two. The agreement meant a parachute of 2.2 million kroner for Ryding, this because her appointment extended to September 2026. But the price tag was significantly higher, the internal document shows – namely 3.8 million kroner.

This is more than half of the amount missing from this year’s budget due to the strained financial situation (SEK 6.5 million).

There are an incredible number of holes in the business

The County Administrative Board’s communications manager Jonas Johansson confirms that the cost of Ryding’s parachute was approximately SEK 3.8 million. In addition to the previously known amount of 2.2 million, salary will be added until October 31, despite the fact that Ryding is exempt from work and has already been cleared by the authority. The other costs are employer contributions.

Susann Sass Jonsson, who sits on Saco’s local board, reacts to the amount.

– 3.8 million. There are an incredible number of holes in the business where we would rather have stopped the money. For example, replacing staff who have resigned, so that case managers have better conditions to do a good job.

Not suitable

Anna Kinberg Batra’s decision to fire Åsa Ryding has not been well received by employees. Ryding was seen as a loyal servant with solid knowledge of the authority.

– I’m not saying that she wouldn’t have this severance pay, it’s certainly reasonable given that she would actually have worked until September 2026. But in light of the economic situation and in light of the fact that we have a governor who is still new to the job, I don’t think it was appropriate, says Sass Jonsson.


full screen Anna Kinberg Batra. Photo: Peter Wixtröm

Employees at the county board are also critical of the fact that they are forced to save at the same time as the representation costs at the Tessinska palatset have increased. The money is spent, among other things, on recurring dinners and social gatherings.

Requires response from Anna Kinberg Batra

During a meeting on Thursday where, among other things, the financial situation was discussed, the union representatives stated that the budget for the governor’s representation costs should be reduced to the same levels as previous governors.

– We had wished that Anna Kinberg Batra could say that she understands that she too has to save, says Susann Sass Jonsson.

Aftonbladet has previously revealed that Anna Kinberg Batra hired two friends for the County Administrative Board in Stockholm. The friends have received top salaries of around SEK 90,000 a month. One position was never advertised, the other was only advertised by hanging a note in the reception at the county board. Both cases are now being investigated by the Ombudsman for Justice, JO.

The answer: The county board needs to develop

Aftonbladet, via the head of communications at the county board, asked Anna Kinberg Batra whether, given the pressured economy, it was appropriate to fire the county director. She responds in a written statement.

– With changes in both the environment, conditions and tasks, the County Administrative Board and its management also need to develop. Against this background, priority was given to the agreement with the former county director. Now I look forward to working further, together with employees and management, to manage our challenges that exist in both tasks and finance.


full screen The document.

FACTS The county board’s response about the million parachute

It is true that the cost is about 3.8 million. Regarding the 1.6 million in addition to the 2.2:

The second paragraph of the agreement states that Åsa Ryding is exempt from work from 1/5-2024 — 31/10-2024. In connection with an agreement of this kind, the entire salary + social security contributions is expensed.

The third paragraph of the agreement states that Åsa must receive an amount of SEK 2.2 million (divided into an extra pension provision and a lump sum). Employer fees are added to these two parts.

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