Anna-Karin’s back surgery at NUS in Umeå was postponed several times during the care conflict

On April 21, Anna-Karin Långström is injured when she falls off the young horse Lussan at home on the farm in Södra Bredåker outside Boden.

At Sunderbyn Hospital, she is asked to operate on her fracture in the coccyx for a study at the orthopedist in Umeå. She accepts – but stays for a week before she is flown to Umeå.

Conflict between the Healthcare Association and the employers

  • The healthcare union withdraws several strike notices in Skåne that are considered dangerous to society

  • The healthcare association gives the go-ahead to cancer patients – must get their X-ray

  • – It was mentally hard to just lie and wait, and know if it’s my turn today, or if it will be moved forward again.

    New wait in Umeå

    Once in Umeå, she fasts several times before operations – which are cancelled. It takes a week of hospitalization at Norrland University Hospital before it is finally carried out.

    In the journal it says: “Due to lack of space in the department and lack of resources”.

    – The doctor apologized for taking so long. That it was terrible that I had to wait so long, but that it was due to the overtime blockade.

    Canceled operations at the orthopedist

    The operations manager at the orthopedic clinic, Lisbeth Brax Olofsson, does not want to comment on the individual case. But says that the clinic now loses an operating theater every day, and has to cancel two to three operations.

    – We are struggling with not being able to perform planned operations and having to fly patients for care elsewhere, she says.

    The overtime blockade has put additional pressure on the clinic, which was already short of staff.

    – So it will be a very tough prioritization, but we do everything to ensure that everyone gets their operations, says Lisbeth Brax Olofsson.
