Ann-Kristin Thunberg in Mönsterås crochets the weather

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

You can see how the weather in 2022 was in the Mönsterå region by looking at Ann-Katrin Thunberg’s long cotton runner. It is yellow and green, red and orange and follows the colors that the newspapers use when illustrating what temperatures are expected according to the forecasts.

– Here you can see when the year starts, it wasn’t so cold in January, says Ann-Katrin Thunberg and runs her hand over her crochet.

She started her project because she wanted to learn to crochet and thought that the weather is something that is always interesting. She herself follows it via radio, TV and the newspaper.

Not so much blue – yet

When the year started, she had bought the ball of yarn in all the colors used to show what temperatures are expected according to the forecast. In the past summer months, her runners are blazing red, the summer was hot.

There are still a few rounds left to crochet before 2022 is over.

– But I have hardly used the blue yarn at all, maybe that there will be more blue in the runner before the end of the year, she says.

Will you continue to crochet next year’s weather too?

– Yes, I intend to do that.
