ANITA, President Baumgartner in Brussels for the TEN-T network and Brenner

Road haulage from Mims the proposal for an agreement for

(Finance) – A delegation of ANITAthe nation’s association of transportation companies led by the president Thomas Baumgartnermet on November 16 and 17 at Brussels important institutional figures to discuss relevant topics for the development of the goods road transport sector and represent the point of view and the proposals of the national association of motor transport companies.

The delegation, reads a note, in particular, had the opportunity to deal in a very constructive way with the honorable Massimiliano Salini And Lucia Want of the PPE, with which the main aspects relating to the forthcoming approval of the dossier on the TEN-T networkto the age-old question of the transition to Brenner dealt with several times by the association at European level and with future dossiers being prepared by the European Commission.

During the two days, the note continues, President Baumgartner’s meetings were fruitful with further ones representatives of the other European institutions on subjects of crucial importance for the sector and for the entire national economy.
