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Fatigue, decreased concentration, memory loss, and lack of motivation are among the consequences of a dopamine deficiency. This neurotransmitter, also known as the happiness hormone, however, can be stimulated naturally through actions and activities available to everyone. In honor of Brain Week, March 13-19, here are five that will help keep this neural messenger running at peak levels.
Dopamine is not nicknamed “happiness hormone” by chance. At the heart of the brain’s reward system, this molecule is naturally secreted to provide a certain satisfaction following very specific actions, such as the practice of a physical activity. According to the Federation for Brain Research (FRC), it is more exactly a “neurotransmitter which, in the central nervous system, activates postsynaptic dopaminergic receptors. [Il] plays an essential final modulating role of motor and psychic outputs, (…) serves to reinforce behaviors such as eating and plays a role in motivation by operating on a kind of reward system”. A deficiency or excess of dopamine can have harmful consequences, ranging from memory loss to addictions, requiring a certain balance to be maintained.
Parkinson’s disease, linked to a degeneration of dopaminergic neurons – which produce dopamine – requires therapies to stimulate the production of this molecule. But milder symptoms suggestive of dopamine deficiency, such as lack of attention, fatigue, or memory lapses, can be relieved through daily actions and activities to stimulate production. Here are five supposed to induce this feeling of satisfaction and pleasure essential to everyone.
petting an animal
Many studies have shown that pets, especially dogs and cats, represent a source of happiness, and even a means of limiting stress. Not content with helping to lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, as an American study has shown, our four-legged friends would also stimulate the production of dopamine. Several scientific studies more specifically agree that petting a pet would release two essential molecules: oxytocin, the hormone of love and social ties, and dopamine, our famous hormone of happiness.
Play sports
It is customary to say that the practice of a physical and/or sporting activity releases endorphins. What is true. But it is not the only hormone of pleasure, or well-being, to be secreted by sport. Whatever activity you choose, it naturally stimulates the production of dopamine during and after exercise, providing that feeling of well-being, accomplishment and satisfaction that sports enthusiasts talk about. It is therefore not surprising that certain scientific studies make a link between physical activity, memory and concentration, nor that it is a source of motivation and, in excess, addiction to effort.
Listen to music
Music would soften morals, but not only… It would also actively participate in stimulating the production of dopamine. Music and pleasure would be intimately linked, provided of course that you choose songs that you particularly appreciate. Activating the brain’s famous reward system, listening to music could even elicit feelings of euphoria and craving that are found through diet, sex, or taking certain drugs, as revealed researchers from McGill University in Canada. It is therefore not surprising that music is now used in health establishments, like musical art therapy, which makes it possible to accompany nursing care during painful acts.
The importance of food
An unbalanced diet can be the cause of a dopamine deficiency. A fortiori, certain foods therefore also naturally boost their production. In this case, it is advisable to turn to certain foods rich in tyrosine, such as meat and fish, seaweed, leeks, spinach, legumes, avocados, bananas, and chocolate. So many ingredients that can fight against stress, improve mood, or even limit fatigue, especially in winter.
Make love
Relieve migraine, fight against certain cardiovascular diseases, and even look younger… Sex seems to be most beneficial for health, according to numerous scientific studies. But that’s not all, far from it. Sex would also be a stimulant that would make it possible to produce dopamine, and for good reason… It is obviously also directly associated with pleasure. Making love is enough to secrete the famous molecule, but orgasm alone represents a veritable cocktail of hormones, releasing serotonin, dopamine, endorphin, and oxytocin, all associated in one way or another with happiness and to pleasure.