Animal voice – The living

“To be animal”, as close as possible to one’s senses, in the wind, the cries of painted frogs, zebras, lions, hippopotamuses… this is the creed of the audio-naturalist Fernand Deroussen. His loving listening to the wild world is a eulogy to the living.

“The living” is the fourth episode of the “Animal voice” series, a non-exhaustive inventory of the many ways to listen to the wild world. It was designed to echo the exhibition Musicanimale, the great sound bestiaryto be discovered at the Philharmonie de Paris until January 23, 2023. The audio-naturalist Fernand Deroussen presents his sound recordings of the world.

Far from the hustle and bustle of humans, audio-naturalist Fernand Deroussen has been traveling the planet for over thirty years. Microphone in hand, he roams the wild spaces, picking up the songs, the stridulations, the cracklings, the growls and other rustlings of the world.

Poster of the exhibition

Listening to the world: a participatory platform

Listen to The World is a radio program replaying in podcast here, but also a participatory sound platform dedicated to listening and sound creation. It archives and provides free access to more than 200 sound recordings sent from all over the world, to be found on The sound map.


Production team

Design, editing, mixing, sound recording: Monica Fantini

Mixing assistance: Laurence Allanic and Pascal Boungo – Creation Unit – RFI
