Animal is genetically modified – goal of becoming the fastest of the world

Animal is genetically modified goal of becoming the fastest

Scientists in Buenos Aires have according to SVT Bred out the world’s first genetically modified horses.

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This means genetically modified

According to The General Technology Board Gene modification means that changes are made in a DNA sequence. With the technology, properties can be changed.

The technology that the researchers in Buenos Aires used Kalls for the CRISPR technology. The researchers have, with the help of an award -winning mare from Argentina, selected and changed in genes from the mare to give the horses genetic conditions to be as fast as possible. Some of the properties of the mare were retained, while others were edited to increase the explosiveness of the horses.

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Photo: Maja Suslin/Ttsnabbast in the world

In October and November 2024, the first five gene modified horses were born. The researchers’ goal was to make them as fast as possible. By identifying gens -specific sequences that affect the horses’ muscle development, the horses would have the potential to get faster.

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Concerns about the consequences of technology

In 2020 was awarded Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna Nobel Prize in chemistry for their discovery of the gene scissors CRISPR/CAS9. According to SVT, the technology has the potential to treat genetic diseases, develop new therapies and improve crops.

At the same time as the technology has been awarded the Nobel Prize, it has also raised concerns in critics. They are worried that the technology will be abused and that it can lead to both dangerous and unpredictable consequences.

The researchers in Buenos Aires tell themselves that they follow the Argentine laws.

– We did not invent any artificial. We take the natural sequence and introduce it to another natural horse, says project manager Gabriel Vichera According to SVT.

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