(Finance) – On the compensation obtained by the anief, After the 2024 with record numbers (15 million and 361 thousand euros fruit of 6,425 sentences), 2025 starts with no less exciting results: at a month of January which recorded over one million and 600 thousand euros recovered in the courtroom, always in favor of teachers and ATA of our school, followed that of February which is no different.
The report of the victories in court, Always produced by lawyers operating for Anief, he tells us that a million and 526 thousand euros assigned to school workers for incorrect or defaulting behaviors of the administration or followed by incorrect approved rules of the legislator. Therefore, they amount in just two months, At 3,140,000 euros that the young union has succeeded, through 1,215 favorable sentences, to send to the school staff, among the least paid for the PA.
The reasons that led to the winning sentences are different: for example, non -monetized holidaysthe salaries without the salary shots of the pre-the Teaching card denied to precarious workers, non -complete career reconstructions. “We are faced with exhilarating court results – he recalls Marcello Pacifico, National President Anief -, results that until a few years ago we did not think that they could have been achieved: coordinated by Walter Miceli, Fabio Ganci, Nicola Zampieri and Giovanni Rinaldi, our lawyers are completing the result of battles carried out with constancy, consistency and always aimed at making justice prevail: The goal, now, is to continue on this path that brings evident benefits and satisfactions to more and more school workers “.