Anief, Pacifico: without measures, even the 150 million allocated yesterday for tutor teachers could be useless

Anief Pacifico without measures even the 150 million allocated yesterday

(Finance) – “Despite the reversal of the last few hours, the game with the Ministry of Education and Merit remains open on recruitment, personnel and personnel mobility”. He declares it today Marcellus Pacificus, national president anief, after receiving the summons for a political meeting on the three unresolved issues requested by the same trade union organization from the minister Giuseppe Vallettara: the meeting was scheduled immediately after Easter, on 12 April at 3.00 pm, while the negotiations with the European Commission. “Recruitments, increase in teaching posts and ATAs and cancellations of the constraints that block transfers are implementing measures of the PNRR quater decree, because without their approval the execution of European projects on recovery and resilience would be seriously compromised”, confirms President Anief ”.

This morning there was the preliminary examination of the IV decree law PNRR on the “Strengthening of administrative capacity in the field of public administration organization”: the provision should be dismissed after Easter and could contain the additions requested by Anief: “That decree – underlines Marcello Pacifico – represents the last real possibility for the Government to face in time of the problems that will affect the beginning of the next school year, also to carry out the orientation and tutoring activities for which they were invested just yesterday, with a specific decree, 150 million euros addressed to mentor teachers. Constraints for transfers, recruitment with the dual channel against precariousness, additional staff will have a direct impact on the planning of the PNRR: next week – concludes the independent trade unionist – we will remind the Ministry of Education and Merit “.
