Anief asks for a remedy: to authorize 90,000 TFA support places for specialized teachers

School Milleproroghe Decree here are the amendments presented by Anief

(Finance) – Following an appeal for access to documents, accepted by the Lazio TAR with sentence no. 19724/2023 of 27 December 2023, Anief found that the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Ministry of University and Research have TFA support training courses activated without the necessary prior disclosure of the needs of specialized teachers on support with reference to the various Italian regions.

Precisely for this reason, the Council of State had accepted Anief’s appeal ordering the MIUR to activate specialization courses on support based on the actual needs of the various territories. By way of example, the Council of State had stigmatized that in Piedmont “the need for teachers to be specialized in 2018 amounted to 4,657 places, but in the last TFA cycle only 200 places were authorised. In Emilia-Romagna the need for teachers to be specializing amounted to 4,860 places (today they have become 6,000), but in the last TFA cycle only 320 were authorized”.

Anief, after this important ruling by the Council of State, continued its fight to increase the number of TFA places denouncing that, in the northern regions, 75% of teachers hired on a fixed-term basis on support still lack a specialization qualification.

With the latest request for access to documents, it emerged that the Ministry of Merit Education and the Ministry of University and Research continued to activate the TFA support courses without taking into account the number of teachers hired on fixed-term contracts determined without the specialization title. This serious omission determined the small number of places for support specialization authorized overall in the last school year (just over 29 thousand) and their territorial inequality.

Anief now asks the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Universities to remedy these serious omissions by authorizing no fewer than 90,000 TFA support places for the next three years.

Second Marcello Pacifico, president of Anief, “it is necessary to ensure a number of specializations adequate to the real needs throughout the national territory. Anief – announces Pacifico – will now warn the rectors of the universities involved so that they immediately remedy this situation by activating all the necessary positions starting from the next TFA cycle Support. We expect the regional school offices to ensure compliance with local needs so that the right of teachers to specialize and, above all, that of disabled students to inclusion are guaranteed.”
