Anief and the commitment to workers: 1.62 million recovered in June and 8 million since January for teachers and ATA

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(Finance) – The number of disputes in schools is still increasing due to the appeals filed by staff, especially temporary workers, in order to seek justice from the labour judges following the violation of their workers’ rights: in the month of Junethe action of the union’s lawyers Anief has produced more than 1 million and 620 thousand euros, with an average of approximately 75 thousand euros recovered on each working day. The recovery of the important figure in June, yet another record, brought the overall sum of compensation and money recovered from teachers and ATA staff in the year 2024 to over 8 million euros. The winning sentences, again since January, have even become 3,296.

“These numbers fill us with satisfaction – he comments Marcello Pacifico, National President of Anief – because it means that the appeals produced by Anief produce increasingly tangible results for the benefit of workers. The sentences won range from unused and never paid holidays to the items ‘Rpd and Cia’ not present in the salaries of teachers and ATA staff who have signed short and occasional contracts: from the Teacher’s Card, to be assigned also to precarious workers to penalizing career reconstructions for pre-role periods and many others. It is the demonstration that the specific appeals tailored on the basis of the individual needs of the worker are increasingly successful: for this reason the dispute between the school employee and the State for which he works is destined to grow more and more. As well as the reimbursements and compensations that the judges order the school administration to allocate to Damaged employees. Whoever thinks that the Anief union does not do good for the workers – concludes the leader of Anief – what does he have to say now?”.
