Angèle, the hair in the air in her very moving new clip

Angele the hair in the air in her very moving

In her new clip “Time will do things”, Angèle once again displays her hair under the armpits, further breaking the still persistent taboo on female hair. Video.

Singing star and fashion icon, Angèle is also a committed woman who fights against the injunctions made to women. In his music video Time will do released yesterday, March 29, 2023, the performer of the tube Brussels I love you once again displays its convictions concerning the female hairiness.

Angèle still appears hairy in her latest clip

After a teaser that thrilled her fans on Instagram, Angèle revealed the clip of her new title Time will do in which she displays her hidden talents as a dancer. Internet users are undoubtedly touched by the contemporary choreography and the delicate voice of the singer: “I want to cry here”, “so beautiful this song.. Tears in my eyes”, “thank you for this sweetness Angèle” are some of the comments posted on Instagram. However, one beauty detail caught our attention. The 27-year-old star once again appears with her unshaved armpits.

The one who was born in Belgium thus continues to assume her hairiness, after having posted last February on Instagram a photo of her with hair under her arms which had aroused a flood of criticism. We also remember his famous clip Swing your what in 2018 where Angèle was not afraid to display hairy armpits.

From, the singer continues the appearances with her armpits free as during the climb of the steps of the Cannes Film Festival in 2021 which had created a lively controversy. “In real life, I wouldn’t remove my body hair, so why should I do it at Cannes? I make myself beautiful and everything but I don’t want to put this constraint on myself. I don’t feel like removing my hair, why should I?“ justified the artist in his documentary Netflix in 2022.

The hairs of the controversy

In February 2023, Angèle posted a carousel of photos on her Instagram account, revealing her daily life. Between two studio recordings and a photo of his beloved dog Pepette, a snapshot caused a lot of reaction from Internet users since we see the hair of the muse of the Chanel house. Sitting in front of her piano, her arm raised behind her hair wearing a headband, Angèle flaunts her armpit hair. With this shot which should however be banal, the singer has aroused negative remarks from some, especially men, judging female hair still taboo in 2023. However, the one who was crowned “Female Artist of the Year” at the Victoires de la Musique 2023 can count on the support of her fans: “She does what she wants with her body, right? And then this photo claims it more”, can we read in the commentary of the Instagram post.

The stars assume their hair

Like Angèle, many stars proudly display their body hair, like Lourdes Leon (Madonna’s daughter), Miley Cyrus or even Paris Jackson. A perpetual fight for female freedom since we remember Julia Roberts who had already made an impression in 1999 with her hair under the armpits during the preview of the film Love at first sight in Notting Hill . When will the taboo end?
