Anfia: “unsatisfactory EU plan for the car transition”

Anfia unsatisfactory EU plan for the car transition

(Finance) – “We prepare for accelerate the works on the 2035 reviewputting full technological neutrality as a fundamental principle at the base “. Compared to these declarations of the President Ursula von der Leyen of the other yesterday and comparing them with the content of the document issued today, Anfia believes that some guidelines are actually present in the 19 pages of the document. This, however, cannot be called the action plan, lacking the indication of certain dates, concrete actions compared to many issues urged and well represented by unions, manufacturers of motor vehicles, components and sector associations, the indication of those who take responsibility for the implementation of these actions and finally the amounts to be allocated for the different aspects of the plan.

Also the issue of the planned Fines for manufacturers for 2025 has been partially resolved so far and unsatisfactory compared to the logical requests formulated by the sector; Furthermore, in an incredible way, any reference to the sector, so important, of industrial vehicles, also subject to the same legislation is missing.

Anfia, therefore, does not consider absolutely satisfactory what emerged from the work of the strategic dialogue and, together with the other associations and stakeholders concerned, will continue from today to highlight to all European institutions that the severity of the situation in the sector cannot be addressed with these interventions.

“We appreciate the stimuli to the development of connected and autonomous and driving vehicles and of the Defined Vehicle software, but with coastalization we complain about the lack of fundamental elements of the transition, including technological neutrality – he commented Roberto Vavassori, president of Anfia. In fact, the question remains: how will this neutrality be implemented in practice? To support competitiveness and preserve employment, The EU must embrace a diversified portfolio of sustainable technologies, including, at 2035 and beyond, the hybrid vehicles both plug-in and range-xxtender powered with non-fossil origin fuels. Furthermore, if the real objective of the Commission remains the decarbonisation, we do not see alternatives to a progressive renewal plan of the car circulating park, now 12.5 years old and at high emissions, which focuses the resources on vehicles and components produced in Europe. In the absence of this plan, the sector is destined to disappear under the blows of Chinese competition and overseas politics “.

(Photo: © Ssilver / 123rf)
