Anebyhusgruppen has been granted reconstruction | SVT News

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As SVT has previously reported, Anebyhus has notified staff after they had only sold a single house since August 2022. And now the situation is so serious that the company has applied for reconstruction to avoid bankruptcy.

– Initially, we were affected by a greatly reduced order intake from private individuals and when we now see that even our commercial customers are postponing their calls indefinitely, we have found ourselves in a situation where we are forced to apply for reconstruction, says Fredrik Anheim, CEO of Anebyhusgruppen, in a press release sent out on Monday.

Will rearrange the production

Växjö district court granted the reconstruction on Monday. According to Fredrik Anheim, CEO of the Anebyhusgruppen, the company will change production during the reconstruction.

– What we are doing with this is that we are broadening our products to also apply to apartment buildings and rental properties, where we believe the market will release first, says Fredrik Anheim to SVT Småland.

Corporate restructuring is granted to companies that have difficulty paying their debts in the short term, but where the district court makes the assessment that they can become profitable again after a restructuring.

Lasts for three months

According to Sweden’s Courts’ website, reconstruction means that, after negotiations, companies can avoid paying part of their debts, or have them postponed. A reconstruction normally lasts for three months, but can be extended upon application from the company in question.

Has it turned around in three months?

– No, we don’t really think so, but it could probably turn around in the first half of this year, says Fredrik Anheim.
