Android 13 could end the hell of unwanted notifications

Android 13 could end the hell of unwanted notifications

Soon the end of the mess of notifications on Android? Google has just delivered a second Delevoper Preview of Android 13, the next version of its OS for smartphones.
It introduces a particularly interesting new feature, as it requires developers to obtain your permission through a standardized dialog box before sending you notifications. As seen below, it clearly indicates whether or not you allow the app to push messages to you.

Android 13 DP 2 introduces other new features for developers, including better handling of non-Latin characters and simplified input in certain languages, such as Chinese or Japanese. It also introduces a new display format for fonts and emojis, and support for the MIDI 2.0 standard.

Above all, this version also introduces support for Bluetooth LE Audio, a new generation of the wireless communication standard which should bring many advantages when listening to music: better sound quality, firstly, thanks to a new codec, and much lower power consumption.

Android 13 is still far from arriving on our smartphones. Google should take advantage of its I/O conference to detail its new functions. We will certainly have to wait for the start of the school year and the new batch of Pixel smartphones to see it land on our smartphones.

Source: google
